Friday, June 8, 2018

Cookie Cutter Kids

I'm really a nurse, but now that I am retired I work for the local school district as a substitute school teacher.
I love it.

To begin with I love children.  They are fascinating and so easy to love, understand and forgive.
Besides, there are only about 10 little cookie cutter kids and all the rest are replicas! 
It makes life easy when you only have to learn 10 basic forms and find you have aced the whole unending march of the little ones.

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March.  March.  March.

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Which brings me to the parade grounds. 
The parade grounds.  Known to me as the Twilight Zone, where reside the elders, seniors, oldies but goodies and other trolls. 

Good grief!  No two are alike!

Once upon a time I sort of wondered a bit about God.  He is magnificent and yet He seems to have not created as much diversity in children as you might expect Him to do, looking at the array of plants and animals and then seeing little cookie cutter kids.  Where is the variety?! 

But then I myself arrived on the parade grounds. 
No two of us are even similar!   Image result for images of old people picnicking

Aging.  It is the (final ?) brush of creativity to make sure we are truly unique.
The longer we live, the more unique we become.

No wonder we are a bit hard to understand.

No cookie cutter old people!

Withered and getting witherer,
I thank you for cutting me some slack.

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