Sunday, November 25, 2018


Is wondering like pondering?

I don't think so.

Wondering is akin to wandering.

Wondering:   trying to think

Pondering:  thinking deep

I watched the old man wandering around our street stopping to gaze intently for long minutes at a trash can.
I was more puzzled than he!  What in the heck is he looking at??

That was years ago.  Now I have more understanding.   Perhaps his starter button stalled out a bit.
I don't know.  Perhaps the gear slipped into neutral.

New Clue:  "Can I help you?"   (sort of akin to "are you lost?")
No, it is not about how I look.
It is about how I act.  I pause too long.  I look too hard.
I guess I am grateful for this "new attention", but somehow it seems like something I should wonder about. 
Maybe it's my eyes.  I have 20-20 with my glasses on, or so the doc says. 
I still make visual mistakes.
See, the eyes can take it all in and the brain can still make a mistake.

Image result for image of lost old

Got to get this posted fast before I wonder what in the hell I was wondering about!
