Monday, March 25, 2013

Longing for the Future

CDC says 105 kids died of flu this year; most didn't get vaccine!

I truly am amazed at some of the scientific data we are subjected to from the CDC put out there with words like "most", headlines even!

How scientific is that?  
Isn't there a number?   Like 57....or 90..and did they not get both shots (recommended for children) or did they get only one and so it was counted as NO instead of YES?

So when I read this latest little blurb from the Center for Disease Control who are obviously not very talented and gifted at researching, compiling and sorting data, I decided to do a google search on deaths of children...which was mixed in tables that also included deaths of adults, also. 

I was amazed at what I ran into.

One teen in Minnesota who died from the flu (she reportedly had been vaccinated but that was "not proven" and considered anecdotal!) was "perfectly healthy" before.....I wonder how they knew that.  ?????
Was that anecdotal information?  
Or had she had MRI's and Scan's and batteries of lab tests before she fell ill?  She got the flu, had trouble breathing immediately and was put on heart-lung bypass and "received blood transfusions".  What I would like to know is:  what was her true health status right before she got the flu?  

As I plowed on through the articles on flu data, I found the word "estimates" so many times  I wanted to run up a white flag and surrender.  Why even bother going on!  
The word "methodology" came up without saying what methodology they were using!  
I did read this: "portions of records were inflated in order to better estimate".  Now there's a handy dandy methodology!

Guess what.  All the info on Hispanics was "adjusted for under-reporting".    Say what?????
To top it all off, I read that one way CDC estimated how many people were getting the flu was by counting the google searches on flu symptoms!  I kid you not.  

I kid you not.

I kid you not. 

I kid you not.   (me....with my mind blowing away)

I just know they didn't  weed out the hypochondriacs like me who google and google and google and google diseases in an obsessive-compulsive manner.

Our "methodology" on gathering human statistics seems like a hold-over from Aunt Neanderthal.

I look forward to the future when we actually can manage clean clear data.  Surely we have that kind of technology.

Even when Jesus was born, civilizations were doing a better job with statistics even if you had to ride a donkey to your hometown to be counted!  
And back then they didn't "guesstimate and estimate" crap they really didn't have data on!  They limited themselves to the "begats", on which they did have reliable data.
Of course they had no flu vaccine to sell! No drug companies making big bucks.  Their big economic thing was staggering taxes without representation, not drugs and medications and false advertising (is there any other kind?).

In the meantime, I keep messing up the statistics with all my google searches on SYMPTOMS!   Damn that internet tracking! 
Do you have any idea how often I have looked up "cognitive decline" ????  No wonder the guru's think Alzheimer's is on the rise!!!!!

 If you get the flu shot and you die of the flu, don't expect the media to report the fact of your immunization properly except to say "it is reported that she had the flu vaccination, but that is under investigation and has not been proven."   ( I use the term "you" because I haven't had a flu shot since my first one 50 years ago.  My daughter thinks I'm daft since she and her kids go get the jab every year with excellent results.  To each their own, I say.)

Bunches of gratitude to you for listening to my warbles,
Riverwatch, RN