The Good News
There are no locks on the gates of hell.
Jesus asked which one of us, having one of our children ask for a piece of bread, would give him a stone?
We would give bread, of course, and God is greater than we. No stones for us, he said.
So why do we think the New Testament scribe got it right about the assignment to hell for the wicked? Doesn't really go with the "Bread, Not Stones" story, does it?
And by the way, what is hell, anyway. Is it really fire, or just the absence of love, the absence of God?
Which one of us would throw our little kids into hell (whether fire or dark aloneness) and throw away the key?
We wouldn't even do that to a rude and unappreciative teenager. Not forever.
There are no locks on the gates of hell.
Hell is a temporary place and there is no reason to suffer there forever.
Hell is a place of suffering.
No, this is not the Hereafter. This is the Here and Now. This is Aleppo, Earth
Have you ever been to hell?
I have been to hell and back. I didn't have to leave earth to do it. I didn't have to reject God to go there.
All I had to do was find my husband in bed with another woman.
Oh, that's right. I CREATE hell!
"Hell" is a vivid imagery meant to scare people into submission. Not into growth. Into submission.
Hell is about POWER. I don't think Jesus was into WORLDLY POWER. Some of his followers wanted him to be into power.
"My kingdom is not of this world", he told them.
I reject the dogma of hell while admitting that hell exits.
Thanks for visiting here,
PS I think we can do a lot to end hell, or at least not create hell.
There are no locks on the gates of hell.