Game-changer Against Alzheimer's Disease
"It's a potential game-changer in the fight against the disease".
GOLDEN VALLEY, Minn. - For the first time ever, researchers in California claim they have reversed memory loss associated with Alzheimer's disease.
It's a potential game-changer in the fight against the disease as, to date, no effective treatment has been found.
More than five million Americans have Alzheimer's, and recent estimates put it as the third leading cause of death in the U.S.
"Everybody knows you can't reverse this. Once you lose it you can't get it back," said Dr. Dale Bredesen, neuroscientist at UCLA and author of the study.
"And I said, 'Well maybe that's not the case.'"
The study, released in partnership with the Buck Institute for Research and Aging, claims 9 out of 10 patients with progressive memory loss had their symptoms reversed within three to six months after undergoing an ultra-healthy lifestyle change personalized to each patient.
The one person who did not show improvement had late stage Alzheimer's.
Bredesen's approach included:
- Eliminating simple carbs from her diet;
- no gluten or processed foods
- Eating more veggies, fruits and wild caught fish
- Yoga and meditation Increasing sleep to at least seven hours a night
- Exercising at least 30 minutes, six days a week
- Taking a regiment of vitamins and supplements
"I would even go so far as to say I don't even think I have a problem with memory now, which is a great surprise to me from where I was a year ago," said one patient in the study.
Bredesen feels this is a significant step in the direction toward finding effective treatment, but more needs to be done.
"So this is the beginning. This is the toe in the water. We are seeing for the first time reversals in cognitive decline, and we need to do many more patients and we need to do much more documentation," said Bredesen.
But the Alzheimer's Association is hesitant to hail this as a breakthrough for the disease.
"It's only ten people," said Debbie Richman, education director at the Minnesota-North Dakota Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association. "It's not enough for us as an organization to say this is going to be the next great thing, but we also aren't going to say it's bad to do those things."
Bredesen said he has already started a much larger test group for this new treatment -- something the science world will need before trusting it."
Nutrition matters in the fight against aging, which is not a disease, and diseases of all kinds.
Nutrition matters in the fight against aging, which is not a disease, and diseases of all kinds.
Two supplements have made a world of difference to my own health:
Vitamin B-12 (high dose) sublingually (under the tongue) though it could be given by injection at the Doctor's Office.

Sublingual. I take four of these under my tongue to dissolve and enter my blood stream directly from the blood vessels under my tongue.
It is important to by-pass the stomach and digestive system where B12 has difficulty absorbing in older people.
Vitamin D 5000 units daily. Yes, five thousand units. Daily.
I take the B-12 for memory. I usually take it once or twice a week......but I scurry to take a dose daily if I find myself struggling to remember somebody's name or start with the everlasting blasted typo's and other little mistakes.
I take the high dose Vitamin D because two specialist physicians have told me to take it daily....and because it has erased a lot of musculoskeletal pain! Both my parents died of colon cancer and that has been linked theoretically to low vitamin D levels.
Thanks for dropping by my blog,