Earth Angels. The Antiquity of Good.
Being blessed.
I am not saying that old is hard.
I am saying that sometimes people are hard,
especially if you are old,
or very young,
or ill,
or weak.
People are also often wonderful,
divinely led,
And so,
enter the earth angels.
It was kind of a sad day.
Or maybe it was a wonderful day, but the chemistry of my brain was skewed because, you know.
I decided I would try to "get an uplift" by shopping. You know, the Dollar Store.
I will trudge around in there looking at dollar candy and dollar shampoo and dollar greeting cards.
I will trudge around in there looking at fake cheap flowers & Halloween decors.
I will trudge around. And maybe I won't cry. Old people don't cry!
She passed by me looking up at my face solemnly. She was only about 8. I smiled a tiny little smile.
She looked back at me as she went on by me and down the aisle. Suddenly she returned.
Holding out a card to me, she was silent, compassionate, kind.
She smiled.
"Thanks", I said as I looked at the homemade card entitled Jesus loves you.
There were peace drawings and a happy little family drawings.
The drawing on the back was a angel flying through the sky . Peace was all it said.

I opened the darling card and found two five dollar bills stapled to the card.
God cares, a child had written. Have a good and great day.
I cried.
Thanks for your visit,