Siblings and First Cousins
We were deceived.
I mean, we let ourselves be deceived.
How can you not be deluded when the oldies live so long!
"We are a family with longevity genes!", we cried.
"Look how long they are living!"
It is true my own mom died very young, but then that was a fluke, a cancer fluke. And maybe if my dad had treated her right, instead of beating her and leaving her with no health insurance, maybe cancer would have been held at bay. Maybe. You never know.
The decade of the 70's is kind of a telling decade.
First my sister. Then my younger brother.
Then my first cousin, Rod. Well, we could all tell why he died in his 70's. Rough living.
But aren't mean people supposed to be extra hardy?
Now,two more first cousins. A lump on the head ......probably metastatic from somewhere else. Start looking and start looking BIG!
She won't even answer the phone.
Her sister,with a newly diagnosed aortic aneurysm right above the bifurcation.....big surgery coming up as they try to patch and stent.
I look briefly, oh so briefly, in the mirror.
Who next?
I ask.
But I really don't want to know.

I don't play around with rolling things.
Instead, I dye my hair.
To each her own.
Thanks for dropping by,