Playing Magic cards with my 16 year old grandson, I am flustered at all the many curves and rules of the game!
So of course, I ask again for an explanation.
My teenage grandson looks at me.

"Grandma," he says slowly and evenly.
"I want to say this in the nicest possible way.
You are old."
................long pause as he waits for this to sink in....
"and when people get old, things start to go."
....................long pause while he waits for this to sink in....
"And I notice that the first thing to go for you, is your hearing."
OMG. I am scrambling to think of a witty retort.
...................long pause as he looks at me level, eye to eye to see if I heard.................
"but it won't be the last thing to go."
Well, I love him.
And he did say it in the nicest possible way.
Catch the curve,
I am glad you had time to stop by.
And I want to say this, in the nicest possible way:
you must have been hard up for entertainment to visit this blog!