This is a follow-up post to the
preceding post on What's the Point?
Longevity. What's the point?
Interview # One
Interview # One
Is it worth the bother and pain?
I start off my series of interviews with one of my smartest friends.
Jean is in her mid-70's.
She is shrewd about life and knows the difference between apples and oranges.
"Old people cannot be compared to young people". A lifelong career in education, Jean is adamant about this!
"We learn differently, we remember differently, we are not on a learning curve. What we learn as old people we learn in an atmosphere of deteriorating brain cells."
Hard to debate that one!
Jean says, "It doesn't matter if there is a point to longevity or not. It is what it is. Some of us experience it whether we want to or not. There must be a purpose,
so the purpose must be finding the purpose.
I don't know how people face any part of life, especially old age, without a belief in God. I am closer to God as an aging person."
Old age.
The pasture for questing purpose to life and to grow closer to God.
Too old to "quest"?
I bet you some younger person is looking at you and questing, trolling the mind, wondering!

Perhaps we live for others?

I appreciate your visit.