Feast on Mystery

One of the gifts of old age is, of course, no longer being quite as impressed with the answers as once we were.
Have you ever looked at a News From Science report and thought, "I wish they would make up their minds."
My son, the non-Christian, the non-impressed with the godly, the cynic disagrees with me.
He says, therefore it must be true, that science does NOT change its mind, but builds upon knowledge.
My son is an interesting specimen for me to study.
The gene pool is gigantic and I will never live long enough on this planet to figure out where these people came from. The ones from "my" gene pool.
No really reliable answers. Just your best guess. Make it scientific.
I love being old because I am not as impressed with answers as once I was.
I have learned it is the question, not the answer, which feeds our brain and pulls us forward.
Dwelling in mystery is more comfortable once we age enough to get jaded with the answers.
The mysterious surrounds us.
Mystery is a resource, better than gold, better than silver.
It is the question that enlarges our consciousness, not the answer.
Feast on mystery. Was Ralph Waldo right or wrong?
For? Against? Neutral?
Keep asking those questions.
But if you find out where my son came from, I would love to see that answer!
you for your visit.