Monday, March 20, 2017

Living in a Multicultural World

The World Around Us

We, the great we, should have:

"In essential things, unity
 in non-essential things, liberty
 in all things, charity."
    Rupertus Meldenius ......a long long time ago during the bloody European wars (are there any other kind?)

Here is the gift, or sadness...of aging:  "What are the essential things?"  ??????

I long for youth when nothing was fuzzy and language was crystal clear.
Heartsickness, Lover'S Grief

Hear the cry of the aged:  "In all things, charity.  Please, I beg you.  Charity."

People, Homeless, Male, Street, PovertyKasunChamara

I think I might be having a bad day, 
so thank you for coming.


Monday, March 13, 2017

Dang it!

I have to tell you a word that scares the heck out of me:   CENTRIST

Remember when Obama first hit the national scene and was touted as a CENTRIST ?
It was like
...dew on the flower 
.... a rainbow in the sky
.......a walk in the park
..........a breath of fresh air
.............a golden gleam from on high.

We did not know if he was a centrist who would occasionally throw a bone to the left,
or would occasionally throw a bone to the right.

But the word CENTRIST itself was so filled with refreshing water,
like a Saguaro Cactus 
on the desert.

"I don't think that word means what you think it means."

And then we heard his minister, Rev. Wright.
Ranting hatefully about our America.
Our land of hope with its open society and its on-going efforts to improve!

Things began to not add up.

Dang it.  
Not a  centrist.
Is he left in communist, socialist liberal, progressive (moving lefter and lefter until horizontal), secularist, feminist, anti-capitalist, anarchist ?
Is he right in conservative, theocratic, nationalist, traditionalist, fascist, neo-ad-nauseums (moving righter and righter until horizontal) ?

But that's not important. 

 What is important is Who am I?.... and What label fits me?

I have to confess, I don't know. 
I would have sworn I was right-wing until I saw the word "anarchist" and  I "felt the fit".  
That puts me squarely in the left -wing camp.
Does leaning further and further right finally bring you to the left?
Dang it!

Just another brick in my bucket of "gee whiz" to carry on my journey.

And incidentally,  (speaking of my journeys) my journey out of Mormonism has lead me to a place where I can admit there IS something about Mormonism (other than the people) that I like !

42 years as a Mormon and I never ran into one shred, not even a whiff of anti-semitism.

You cannot even believe how refreshing and significant that is until you leave the Mormon Church, and run into anti-semitism.

Mormons are so pro-Israel that they want to be Israelites!!
I received a blessing in that church that told me I am an Israelite!
Out of the ten lost tribes, I belong to the tribe of Ephraim.

I bet that might be very surprising to the Jews who are of the tribes that are not lost.

But so it is.

In reality I am part American Indian.        Image result for images of girl on horseback moonlight

Straight across the ancient land bridge from Asia some of my ancestors came.
Would Ghengis Khan be disappointed to find I am of "the lost tribe of Ephraim" in the Middle East?
Being mean and all, maybe he is not so easily fooled.

Not to worry, Ghengis.
I do dream of riding a fast horse across the moors in the moonlight,
and in my dreams I am young, always young.

Image result for images of girl on horseback moonlight

Not really a Jewish girl,
or even a Jewish matron.
Dang it.

Thanking you for flipping through this one!

Friday, March 3, 2017

Far above me, far beyond me. Nothing in common.

There is a mournful painful state connected to loving someone so far above you, so far beyond you, so different from you, having nothing in common with you.

Rumi, "the" poet of ancient Persia, addresses that situation so well in the following poem:

Reason says,
I will win him with my eloquence.

Love says,
I will win him with my silence.

Soul says,
How can I ever win him
When all I have is already his?

He does not want, he does not worry,
He does not seek a sublime state of euphoria -
How then can I win him
With sweet wine or gold?

He is not bound by the senses -
How then can I win him
With all the riches of China?

He is an angel,
Though he appears in the form of a man.
Even angels cannot fly in his presence -
How then can I win him
By assuming a heavenly form?

He flies on the wings of God,
His food is pure light -
How then can I win him
With a loaf of baked bread?

He is neither a merchant, nor a tradesman -
How then can I win him
With a plan of great profit?

He is not blind, nor easily fooled -
How then can I win him
By lying in bed as if gravely ill?

I will go mad, pull out my hair,
Grind my face in the dirt -
How will this win him?

He sees everything -
how can I ever fool him?

He is not a seeker of fame,
A prince addicted to the praise of poets -
How then can I win him
With flowing rhymes and poetic verses?

The glory of his unseen form
Fills the whole universe
How then can I win him
With a mere promise of paradise?

I may cover the earth with roses,
I may fill the ocean with tears,
I may shake the heavens with praises -
none of this will win him.

There is only one way to win him,
this Beloved of mine -
Become his.

Yes, I am sad,
when I am not ecstatic, 
hopeful when I am not in despair.
Related imagePinterest
