Freedom To Worship As I Please
think the freedom to worship as we please also includes the freedom
to not worship if we don’t please.
it doesn't include is the freedom to force religion on somebody else
through trickery,
even the sword.
shunning. Or economic sanctions. Whatever.
is one of the many reasons I left Mormonism
a life of better alignment with Christianity.
as I please.
others the same privilege.
Mormonism was for me a time of being shunned. Still is. Not quite as bad as that first five years, but there is no middle ground for those who defend their faith
with closed minds. There just is no middle ground available when one of the parties KNOWS they have the right info and the rest of the world doesn't.
An open mind will for sure learn
something. Guard against that.
In the last world-wide conference Mormons were advised (according to someone who listened) to remember feelings that guided them to the truth in the past or in the first place.
Avoid those textbooks and research, ye who know the truth already.
closed heart is even worse than a closed mind, but many with closed
minds do not close their hearts and they pray and weep for those who
do not believe as they do. Still and all, no middle ground.
My bias is that if feelings are where it is at for a testimony, then everybody else's feelings are valid also.
Or as one of my sons said as a teenager after an outing with the brethren, "No two people on the earth have the same religion!" My son was disgusted but I thought he was profound for so young a boy.
Or as one of my sons said as a teenager after an outing with the brethren, "No two people on the earth have the same religion!" My son was disgusted but I thought he was profound for so young a boy.
of the red flags of mormonism is the shutting down of perspectives.
Now don't get miffed!
As Donald and Mitt might say to each other, if
you agreed with me on everything and every issue, I would only hate
you 10% less.
Riverwatch (and now you know why I go by an alias)
OK. I will go ahead and admit Mormons are not the only people who shun me. But Mormon's shunning is tangled with religious freedom. Not cool.