Second Sight
by Riverwatch
Between times, between the last clutch of dark and the first break of dawn,
Between times, like when the day is gone and before twilight blooms full,
Between times like the exit from living and the entrance to dying,
they come.
Unbidden. Strangely welcome. Unworldly.
Unbidden. Strangely welcome. Unworldly.
They do not stay.
Between places like water and land,
Between places like arriving and settling,
Between leaving and disappearing,
Between landed and airborne,
Between islands,
Between home and new places,
they come.
Unbidden. Strangely welcome. Unworldly.
Unbidden. Strangely welcome. Unworldly.
They do not stay.

Between the waking and the sleeping
and the sleeping and the waking,
Between the wellness and the illness
and the illness and the healing,
Between the turmoil and the peace,
they come.
Unbidden. Strangely welcome. Unworldly.
They do not stay.
Unbidden. Strangely welcome. Unworldly.
They do not stay.
Between the home and the refugee camp,
Between the time of prosperity and the time of loss,
Between the freedom and the jail sentence,
they come.
Between the entering and the being there,
Between the dryness and the misting vapor,
Between the motion and the stillness
they come.
Unbidden. Strangely welcome. Unworldly.
Unbidden. Strangely welcome. Unworldly.
They do not stay.
I cannot touch them with the windy fingers of my soul,
but like a flash of light illuminating the world around me,
there is a brief touch to my mind,
there is a brief touch to my mind,
dragging me for a nano-second into a dimension beyond my world,
changing me in ways I cannot control nor imagine,
nor know in any way except for sure.
nor know in any way except for sure.